All New York panelists felt there is a growing connection between the fine art and interior design and that the lines are blurring.
When this NYC interior designer comes in and tosses out a company's cubicles, tears down perimeter private offices, and switches to an open plan with benching
In NYC interior design love your art and allow it to give you pleasure every day. If dollar signs are all you think about, it's not good for your soul.
This New York City Interior Designer believes that design rules are meant to be broken, but not when it comes to proper height and furniture spacing. When these basics are out of whack even the most delicious assortment of furnishings will seem off.
Kitchen design and renovation in NYC can present a dizzying array of options for kitchen countertops. Here is a roundup of popular options, with pros and cons…
In hopes of avoiding the last minute scramble to try and make the virtually impossible happen for a client, I wanted to provide a post on basic tenant fit-out costs in NYC. We want our potential clients to be armed with the proper information to plan wisely, from both a timing and a budget standpoint.
I had never been to the USVI before, and as I was in awe of their beauty, it got me thinking about inspiration from nature. Living in the Urban Jungle, winter in New York can literally be black and white. But as I commonly think of "natural" colors as being fairly neutral, my surroundings on St. John were anything but. The islands inspired me to think of color in an entirely new way, and to add a dose of tropical inspiration to my designs as we venture into the long winter ahead!
Which got me thinking...Although it's never an exact science, there are a few guidelines we can use to determine what your project will end up ROUGHLY costing before even beginning the design.
As I was studying to sit for the LEED AP exam, I found myself becoming even more aware of ways in which we can integrate responsible principles in everything we design.
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